Biking Quotes to Inspire You

The bike is the best way to get in touch with your own self, and to discover the world around you. This is what makes the sport so inspiring, and there are many famous cycling quotes that capture the beauty of the journey – whether you are training for a race or just taking in the view from your pedals.

From short bike captions that perfectly encapsulate the thrill of a ride to profound reflections on life and happiness inspired by pedal-powered adventures, we bring you a collection of the finest biking quotes to inspire and motivate you. These bike quotes convey the freedom, joy and escapism of cycling, and are sure to resonate with any cyclist.

The bicycle satisfies all our needs, be they gregarious or individualistic, aggressive or meditative. It gives us a sense of speed, of movement, and of elation when we are in a rush, or, on the other hand, allows us to slow down to a halt, to breathe in the air, to be at one with nature. It is a means of harmonizing our lives with time and space, and of reintegrating ourselves into them in measures still human.

-John Galsworthy, *On Forsyte Change*, 1930