Are You Going to Use Biking on a Sidewalk?

Biking on sidewalks is a pretty new trend in the past few years, as more people are starting to realize the benefits. It’s important to understand that many jurisdictions have different laws regarding biking on sidewalks and how far you can go before being ticketed. In some cases it may be illegal to ride your bike on the sidewalk if there is traffic. Many cities and towns have regulations that are designed to limit how far you can go without having to stop and let pedestrians cross. I’ve talked to several people who live in cities where biking on sidewalks is strictly prohibited and they tell me that it feels like they are doing something illegal when they do it.

Another benefit of biking on a sidewalk is that you get a sense of what the area looks like before you arrive. If you don’t already own a bike, this can be a great way to get your exercise without worrying about how the pavement and traffic patterns may look. Biking through a city can be kind of daunting if you don’t know what to expect and what you should be looking for. Biking on a sidewalk allows you to see the entire picture and not just the immediate surroundings. It gives you a good perspective and can really help you determine if you’re going to like the area or if you need to avoid it completely.

Bicycling on a sidewalk has a few downsides as well. Because people are going to be walking on your road, you can expect that you will get some dirt and grime on your bike. You also won’t have a protected shoulder or other space to avoid hitting people when you’re riding. But if you plan on sticking around, these aren’t issues that would concern you too much.