Viking Quest is an original fictional television program in an animated show on the TV series Entourage. It is often referred to both by actual characters and famous celebrities playing themselves as characters in a true story. The show features a group of friends and their romantic relationship which developed over the course of three seasons, later becoming very popular with fans of the animated series.
Viking Quest has a social media page on the Disney channel, as well as several hundred thousand followers on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, and Instagram. In addition to the social media pages, Viking Quest also has a number of podcasts including Viking Lifestyles, Viking Updates, and The podcast talks about current events and movie gossip. Due to the popularity of the show, many fans have created websites and merchandise based on the characters and the TV show itself. With all this activity, it is no wonder that Viking Quest has gained so much attention and that it has become one of the most searched for shows on Google.
Vikings has received high marks from both viewers and other bloggers across the web for its unique style and approach to storytelling. Viking Quest was one of the first shows of its type to make use of the internet as a marketing tool. Not only does it have a large online following, but many of its fans have turned to creating derivative works online of the show and character. Such fan creations range from items such as pillows and coffee mugs with Viking designs to complete apparel and other merchandise that carries the show’s logo and can be purchased online.