Riding a bicycle either as a sport, recreational exercise or as a means of transportation is becoming popular these days. More often, cyclists choose roads with less traffic. However, when it cannot be avoided, some bicycle riders have to go through busy streets and bike their way through traffic.
When riding a bicycle through a busy street, no matter how covered and protected you are with your helmet and safety gears, if you don’t follow traffic rules and road discipline, you might be putting yourself at risk with danger.
Accidents do happen anytime and anywhere but there are things that you can do to avoid encountering one when you ride your bicycle on a busy street.
A bicycle, once it hits the road, it is treated like any vehicle on the road. Therefore, when you ride your bicycle on a busy street, it is advisable to follow traffic rules such as stopping on a red light, know when to yield, avoid overtaking on the shoulders, and follow bike lanes or bike paths if there any.
When on the road, you might want to remember to always keep your hands on the handle bars and a finger or two over the brake levers so you can be prepared to hit the brakes when needed.
More experienced bicycle riders advice beginner riders on the road to be heard and be seen. You may want to use a horn or bell so pedestrians can hear you or other motorists can be alerted of your presence. Have your bike installed with reflectors as well as with head lights and tail lights. You may also want to remember to avoid a driver’s blind spot so cars and trucks ahead can know of your presence.
You can also avoid accidents if you ride in a predictable manner so that cars can go around you without bumping into you. Using hand signals will also alert motorists of your movements and can spare you from road mishaps.
Just like any motorist on the road, it is wise to observe road courtesy. You may want to smile when you make that turn or wave as a signal of thanks when you are given the right of way.
Good riding habits are also important to remember. Just like driving cars, it is not wise to ride a bicycle when you are intoxicated as this may affect your reflexes and may result to poor judgment on the road. Another road hazard to avoid is texting while cycling.
Finally, it is wise to plan your route and stay alert when riding on a busy street.