Improve Your Cycling Posture With the Bicycle Yoga Pose

bicycle yoga pose

Cyclers can develop stiff and painful muscles, especially in the hips and knees, due to cycling’s repetitive motion. Including yoga poses in your exercise routine can help prevent or relieve these aches and pains. The bicycle yoga pose is an excellent posture to include in your routine, as it helps strengthen and tone the upper body, arms and back. It also helps with the breath and can be a good choice for a calming and relaxing posture before or after a ride.

Begin on all fours, with your hands slightly in front of your shoulders. Press your tailbone toward the sky and move the ribs in an outward direction, while pulling the shoulder blades down and back. Repeat 10 times in each direction. This is a gentle spine stretch that warms and loosens the back muscles, reducing the tightness cyclists often experience.

The bicycle posture stretches the inner thighs, which is an important area for cyclists to target. Tight hip flexors and quads make cycling difficult, as they limit your ability to push hard on the pedals. This yoga posture is a great way to open up these areas, which will make your cycling more effective and enjoyable.

Bridge counteracts the bent over position that many cyclists hold while riding, which can cause back stiffness. The yoga pose lengthens the spine and strengthens the abdominal and erector spinae muscles, which will improve your cycling posture and decrease your chances of developing back pain.