Biking on Ice – Tips For Biking on the Ice

biking on ice

Biking on Ice – Tips For Biking on the Ice

Biking on ice can be a lot of fun and yet it can also be dangerous if you are not aware of the dangers and how to deal with them. The ice is very slippery and you don’t want to slip and fall because you are going down a mountain. If you are in good physical shape, you can probably maneuver the bike over small pieces of ice that have melted onto the road. However, for the beginner it is best to ride on an actual trail instead of on the ice.

There are many different kinds of markings you can put on the ground to indicate where you plan to ride on the ice. I recommend having a pen and paper so you can make notes about where you are going and how long the path is. Once you arrive at your destination mark where you want to go and stick it on the ground. This way when you get to the area where the path ends you know exactly where to route yourself for biking.

Another good idea is to have someone who is skilled at biking and skating with you. They can point out obstacles or areas that might be more dangerous than others. They can also tell you about places that have ice and bridges that you would not have noticed otherwise. By being cautious and knowledgeable you increase your chances of riding on the safe side on the ice.