Bicycle in RUSSIAN has many different words. Click on a word to learn more about it. Bicycle is one of the most popular objects in Russian, and there are several words that mean the same thing. You can also look up some bicycle-related articles on the Internet Archive. You can also read a translation of a bicycle-related article from Russian.
Russia is a country of contrasts, stretching over two continents and ten time zones. While the metropoles of Moscow and St. Petersburg are the most famous cities, the country’s lowlands are pure nature. This vast country is dotted with untouched lakes and birch forests. A trip to a former village in Russia feels like stepping into another time and place.
In Russia, the military bicycle was called the samokatchiki. By the 1890s, the first bicycle units were formed. These military cyclists were equal to conventional infantry but had some distinct advantages, including maneuverability and speed. By 1917, the Imperial Russian Army had over 30 bicycle units. They had a wide variety of weapons, including machine guns and handguns. Ammunition was also carried on bicycles with special racks and cargo baskets.