Bicycle Generator

A bicycle generator converts human power into electrical energy. The generator can be used to recharge a battery or to provide electricity to a device connected through an inverter. The generator shown in the video clip provides 12 Volts DC (Direct Current).

The generator is powered by a permanent magnet motor driven by the back wheel of the bike. The generator is connected to a voltmeter and a television set through an inverter. The voltmeter jumps between 10 and 13 Volts. This is because it is hard to pedal at exactly the right speed to keep the output voltage constant at 12 Volts.

To increase the output of electricity from the generator a buck converter or boost converter can be added. These are electronic modules that take a fluctuating input voltage and produce a stable output voltage. They can be purchased online for less than $100.00.

To get the most out of a bicycle generator it is best to use the system to power appliances that require little or no current, such as lights, televisions, DVD players and radios. It is also possible to power household appliances such as refrigerators and stoves, but this would require a significant number of people cycling simultaneously and could be dangerous if the output voltage becomes too high. It is also possible to store the electricity generated by a bicycle generator in batteries or capacitors, but this is not very efficient and can result in energy loss during the charging and discharging process.